Play UFC5

Get paid to play in UFC 5 matches against other 1v1Me Partners

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Get Paid

Guaranteed pay,
more if you win

Get Promoted

Socials and streams
promoted to over 1M+

On Your Schedule

Fill out a weekly schedule,
play on your time

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You get matched against other partners

Get scheduled in UFC 5 matches every week. Partners stream with face-cam and gameplay audio

Fans stake on matches

Fans stake money on who they want to win

Matches monitored by live referees

Our specially trained referees actively monitor every match – before, during and after

They win if you win

Make a guaranteed amount per match, get more if you win

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“I’ve made stakers over $100k. My favorite part about 1v1Me is the competitive nature between the players and the stakers.”

@xStreaky, 1v1Me Partner

“They always ensure integrity on matches, pre-game checks and make sure the rules are never broken.”

@SinRashadRaheem, 1v1Me Partner
Think you have
what it takes?

Fill out a brief application

Open Application
Try Outs

Play against other applicants in a BO1 double-elimination tournament. The team then reviews all gameplay, and from the tryouts, you may progress to exhibition matches.

Exhibition Matches

Compete head-to-head with 3 of our current partners. From here you may be asked to progress to a video interview with our team.


Participate in a full interview with our team where we decide if you are a right fit for the program!

Contract & Onboarding

Compete head-to-head with 3 of our current partners. From here you may be asked to progress to a video interview with our team.

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